News & Notice

Changing App Program Storage Location

페이지 정보

Writer: chief administr… 작성일23-11-27 13:25 View:1,498 Comment:0


[크기변환]APP저장위치 팝업(영문).jpg


Our company's dedicated App programs, Inclinometer Collector and Tiltmeter Collector, feature a "SEND TO E-MAIL" function, allowing data to be transmitted via email. Additionally, you can directly connect them to both PC and mobile devices to extract data.

With the upgrad of the Inclinometer Collector App program, the location of data storage within the mobile phone had to be changed due to Google's policies.

When extracting data by directly connecting to PC and mobile, please note that the storage path has been changed to the following location

(Old) Storage Location : Internal Storage - Aceinstrument Folder

(New) Storage Location : Internal Storage - Documents Foledr - Aceinstrument Folder

Please refer to the above path to ensure a smooth data extraction process without any confusion.

Thank you

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